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Bullying for Kids


Are your kids ready to deal with bullies? They should be because bullying happens even among pre-school kids. Bullying for kids should be discussed by parents before their kids attend school.

Parents can search the internet for information about bullying for kids. There are many websites that share useful ideas on how your kids can successfully deal with bullying.

Following are some of the important ideas about bullying among kids and how to deal with them successfully.

1. Whether it’s an emotional, social, physical or cyber bullying, your kid should inform an adult that it is happening. The adult should take action immediately. Otherwise, the bully will be successful in making the victim feel abandoned, which could lead to depression, low grades, low self-esteem and other problems.

2. Parents should make sure that there is an atmosphere of security and trust at home as well as in school. Otherwise, the children will not be honest and open to you about any bullying problems. Bullying websites emphasize the importance of open communications between parents and children as well as between teacher and student. If any form of behavior is not immediately stopped, the aggressor might think that it’s acceptable to bully someone.

3. All children should know by heart how to act when targeted by a bully. They should know that they should remain calm and not show panic or fear, remain civil and report the incident to other people they trust or of authority.

It’s important that kids do not suffer from the negative effects of bullying because they can last for a long time.


Bullying Websites

Are you being bullied? You may not know it but you may have friends who are silently suffering from bullies. Persistent derogatory remarks about ones appearance, school performance can hurt and make the target feel inferior. Even parents can be bullies to their children.

Sharing bullying stories is an effective way to lighten the burden of the effects of bullying. However, if bullying victims have no one to turn to or the people around them are unable to provide sound advices on how to deal with bullying, you can search for them online.

To find bullying websites, just type “bullying websites” on your search engine and you’ll find a lot of useful information about various types of bullying as well as advices on how to deal with them. You will also find many interesting bullying stories that can serve as useful references whether you are a bullying victim or not. Some websites even encourage their readers to share their bullying experiences, how they stopped it and recover from its negative effects.

Learning from bullying websites can prepare you the next time someone attempts to make you his or her bullying target. Following are some of the interesting topics you can learn from bullying websites:

  • How to deal with bullying
  • Why do people bully?
  • Bullying facts and statistics
  • Types of bullying
  • Bullying stories
  • Bullying prevention

Awareness and education are effective tools to prevent bullying. Bullies usually target those who they think are weaker than they are and can’t defend themselves. Go to bullying websites for useful tips on how to be assertive or how to get help against bullies.

Information on Bullying

Effectively dealing with bullying is one of the life skills one must possess. In fact, parents must start sharing information on bullying with their kids even before they start going to school. Their awareness of bullying will help them deal with the problem and spare them with the unpleasant consequences of bullying.

For those who are interested, there are various resources such as books, newspapers, websites, etc. that offer a lot of information on bullying. For instance, you’ll learn that not all verbal and physical abuses can be considered as bullying. Other useful information on bullying that you can learn includes the following:

1. Bullying occurs almost everywhere – at home, in school, in your neighborhood, in the workplace, in cyberspace and in any other places where people converge. Non-stop bullying can happen in cyberspace through texting and social media.

2. Bullying takes place not only among the youth but also among adults.

3. According to research, teaching kids how to handle or report bullying is one of the most effective ways to fight bullying.

4. Emotional scars can have a lifelong effect on bullying victims who may later develop some kind of personality disorder.

5. Bystanders have crucial when bullying occurs. They should not be mere observers while injustice and abuse are taking place. They have the moral duty to report the case or ask for help immediately.

6. Information on bullying also warns that unless bullying is dealt with at the first instance, it is very likely that it will seem like normal within the group. Future victims will accept bullying as a normal way of dealing with other people.

Stories About Bullying

Stories about bullying are generally depressing and many of them have tragic endings. Most kids have their own bullying stories to tell and most of the time, the listeners or readers can’t help but become emotional after each story. However, it is important to know about these bullying stories in order to find out why bullying happens and how to deal with them.

Stories about bullying can be used to promote awareness of its existence even among pre-school kids. Some kids are more aggressive than their playmates, they tend to be bullies. However, if they know what bullying is and that it’s bad, they can stop themselves from doing it. It is important that at their young ages, they have a clear understanding of the types of bullying and their effects.

For example, through stories about bullying, kids will learn that taking things from their classmates without permission, excluding a classmate from joining their play, name calling and sending mean notes or text messages are types of bullying.

Bullying awareness will also make other kids call the attention of their playmates or classmates who are still acting like bullies. Educating kids that bullying is bad will most likely stop them from bullying other people as they grow older.

More of the recent stories about bullying take place at social networking sites. This type of bullying is called cyberbullying and may include hurtful or embarrassing comments on the victims’ social media accounts. Through electronic media, whatever is posted online can spread fast and the victim’s reputation can be damaged in a matter of seconds.

Stories about bullying may not be as entertaining as fairy tales but it’s important to tell young children about them.


Books on Bullying

Bullying occurs almost everywhere – in workplaces, in schools, in homes, on playgrounds, in nursing homes, in the military and in cyberspace. Why do people bully each other? Books on bullying feature adults bullying young people, young people bullying adults and other young people and many other cases of bullying.

Reading books on bullying can help a lot in understanding why people bully. Knowing the reasons for bullying will be very helpful in dealing with the problem. In some books on bullying, the readers can also read and learn the different ways that bullying are carried out, the various ways that the victims responded to the bullies as well as the outcome of the actions of the bullies and the victims. It’s like learning from various case studies.

Important information from books on bullying:

1. Some bullies are upset with themselves and they are jealous that other people are happy. So, they bully someone to make him or her as miserable or unhappy as they are.

2. Most teenagers bully each other for insecurity or jealousy over appearance, intelligence, socio-economic background or popularity. They may seem petty reasons but the bullies strongly want to vent their anger and frustration on other people they consider as weaker and inferior.

3. The best way to deal with problems that may result to bullying through open communication. It is also important to immediately settle issues or conflicts as they arise. People, especially teenagers, who bottle up their feelings and don’t open to people who can’t help them, may bully to express their frustration over their situation.

Books on bullying advise parents, teachers and other responsible authorities on signs of bullying they should learn how to recognize and the appropriate actions to take for such situations.